
Dear Parents/ Carers,

P3G would like to invite you along to their ‘Children in Need’ assembly on Friday 18th November.  This will be a spotacular event and parents and children are encouraged to ‘wear your spots’ and dress down/ dress up for this event.  There is no set cost for pupils to participate in this dress down day however, any donations will be greatly received and will be going to a very worthy cause.  There will be raffle tickets available for pupils to buy throughout next week (50p a strip) and for adults (£1 a strip) to buy from the office and at the assembly.  We are hoping to hold a spotty bake sale for the rest of the school, although this may need to take place the following week due to timescale – We will keep you and the pupils posted on this!

We hope you can join us for this special event and look forward to ‘spotting’ you all in the audience.

P3G and Mrs Waugh

2 thoughts on “P3G NEWS FLASH!!!!”

  1. Is this dress down day available for all pupils or for P3G only? Not long ago they all had dots and spots day…

  2. Hi, it is P3G’s ‘Children in Need’ assembly that day but the dress down is for all pupils. ‘Spotacular’ and ‘Wear your Spots’ is the theme this year so we have gone with that. We are aware we had a dots and spots dress down recently for another charity but we thought that it might actually make things a little easier as pupils will already have items that they wore on this day. Hope this helps, thank you. Mrs Waugh

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