This week in P4.

This week, Jake came in to give us a taster session of Judo. We learned that to earn points and win at Judo, we have to get opponents on their back. Jake was very good at Judo and made us laugh with his funny jokes. We loved it!


This week, our Literacy has had a Guy Fawkes theme –

Our reading comprehension was based on fireworks and bonfires. We were focusing on answering in sentences, using the question to help form our answers.

In writing, we retold the story of The Gunpowder Plot. After watching a powerpoint about it and discussing the facts, we split the story into beginning, middle and end and, in groups, recorded the facts we needed to include for each section. We then used this to help us to retell the story in a logical sequence.

Mr Glen, from NYCOS (National Youth Choir of Scotland) visited us on Tuesday. He will be with us for the next 10 weeks. We were playing games that helps us practice beat and rhythm.

In Numeracy this week, we have been practicing rounding our numbers to the nearest 10. The rule is – if the number ends in 1-4, then we round down, if it ends in 5-9, then we round up to the next multiple of ten. This will help us to estimate calculations, which is a very handy skill to have! We have also been working on doubles/near doubles, another addition strategy. We’ve found a great song that helps us remember our double numbers. Jack P and Sasha were ‘doubles’ champions today, when we were working on doubling 20, then doubling the answer again and again. They doubled all the way to 20480, mentally!!!  Mrs Stewart was really pleased that we gave them both a clap, as it shows that we are encouraging each other in our learning, as well as showing respect to others. 🙂

As part of our review of RESPECT, we were discussing how every one of us in unique and we are looking forward to finishing off our ‘unique’ characters next week, before we give them a name and write about them.

If you’re celebrating Bonfire Night this weekend, have fun, but please stay safe by following the safety rules!

Have a lovely weekend! 🙂


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