News from P6/5

This week has been an interesting time, with only 16 pupils in the class! We waved the P6 and P7 pupils off to camp and wished them well. The smaller class hasn’t stopped the learning and we have been very busy.

In Maths, we have been learning to locate and plot specific co-ordinate points on a grid.  Many of the children discovered how maths is included in aspects of real life contexts, by playing against each other in Battleships.  The learning was fun but very competitive!

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We began creating items for our Make It Grow fund.  Further details will follow so please watch out for blog updates.

We watched an entertaining drama on the Gunpowder plot and linked it to today’s events that surround an opening ceremony in the Scottish Parliament.

The Scottish Parliament also helped inspire art work. We focused on the Scottish elements used in the building design and have started creating our own stain glass windows.

On Friday, Bathgate Fire Service visited the class to talk to us about the dangers of bonfires & fireworks. The fire service are encouraging everyone to attend organised Firework displays and avoid situations where inexperienced adults and teenagers are setting them off. Please encourage your child to wear gloves if handling sparklers, stand back behind barriers at organised displays and report any misuse of fireworks to an adult.  Please have fun everyone and stay safe at any Guy Fawkes celebrations this weekend 🙂

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