This week in P5/4

Anna has really enjoyed our new school focus on respect this week.  She particularly enjoyed the ‘we are all unique and individual’ drawing task where we mixed up body parts to create a new person!

Layla really enjoyed the introduction to our new topic – What’s in the News?  This week we worked in pairs to highlight the key words from newspaper articles so that we could re-tell the story in our own words to the rest of the class.  This meant that we all learned lots about what has been happening recently without having to read the whole of the children’s newspaper that the stories came from.  For anyone interested, the paper is called First News and can be bought from most newsagents and supermarkets.  It’s written especially for children and is published once per week.  Throughout the rest of this block, we will be looking at a range of ways the news is reported and we will be learning about the difference between fact and opinion.  You can help your child in this area by discussing things that come up in the news and encouraging them to watch television news bulletins.

Rachael and Neve really enjoyed creating the C.A.B. posters this week.  This year’s focus is changes and improvements to Blackburn and the children have come up with some really super designs that will go forward.  Hopefully one or more of them will be chosen to be included in next year’s calendar.

Kirstin enjoyed this week’s Drama lesson with Mr Richards as lots of games were being played and some new games were introduced.

Emma and Kaiden thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the handball festival which the p5’s took part in this week.  They said that it was exhausting but really fun (apart from if you got hit in the face by a ball!)

Liam and Josh loved taking part in some fun activities using Go Noodle.  We did this alongside the P6’s from p6/5 while the P5’s were at the handball festival.  Liam said that it was great fun doing something that he hadn’t done before that everyone joined in with.

Jack liked taking part in the daily mile as it gives everyone exercise and helps build our muscles.

Scott really liked handwriting this week as we were writing useful words instead of just letters.  This week we wrote the months of the year as well as the words Primary, school, Blackburn and Murrayfield.  This means that we can now write the full date and school address in cursive handwriting.  Why not ask your child to demonstrate this to you at home.

Next week Mrs McGlynn will be in class as I will be accompanying P6’s and 7’s to school camp.  I can’t wait to hear all about the week in P5/4 when I get back.

Homework next week will be reading and spelling which Mrs McGlynn will give out on Monday.  The maths focus will be money so make sure that you get your child to get counting from the spare change jar, if you have one!

Have a great week,

Mrs Vince

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