P7/6 News

Hello and welcome to our latest blog entry. This week we have:

  • We started to look at and discuss the meaning of the word RESPECT!
  • In maths we looked at numbers in 100,000’s and rounding 4 digit numbers.
  • We started our Make It Grow fund raising effort. We will be doing a neon themed disco and we will be looking for everyone to wear bright clothes & buy glow bands to help raise money.
  • We looked at things which concern us in our community and rated these from 1-10 (with 1 being the most serious and 10 being the least serious).
  • We started on making posters of the things which concern us in our community as part of our Big Write.
  • We all had an amazing time at the Halloween Party held at the school last night – please check the blog soon for photos!

A big thank you to Amie Lee and Neve for helping with this week’s blog.

See you all next week!!

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