News from the superheroes (P2S)

Firstly we would like to remind all parents and carers of P2S that it is our assembly with P2F next Friday. (4th November)  Hope to see you all there! 🙂

What have we been learning this week?……………

We have been learning about Respect – Millie

Being kind to your friends is respect – Zoe

It is being caring – Amber

We have to respect each other – Melanie

Treating people how you would like to be treated – Elsie

If someone is talking to someone else, another person shouldn’t interrupt their conversation – Eve

We were writing sentences with adjectives describing Halloween characters -Peter

we had to remember our full stops, finger spaces and capital letters when writing the sentences – Robert

We had our Halloween disco last night – Quinn

We played lots of games at the Halloween disco – Zoe

We were finishing off our People Who Help Us topic – Amber

We did circle time and spoke about our holidays – Robert

We finished off our Place Value topic – Robert

We will be having our Assembly next week on RESPECT – Amber

Have a lovely weekend from P2S! 🙂


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