News from P6/5

Welcome back after the October holidays.  Our week began with the pupils sharing their adventures and news. It was lovely to have them all come back to school safely after a week off.

The School Value for November

The word in school is RESPECT!

The class has been discussing the value of respect and what it means to us. We know respect means to be polite, show kindness and care about others, but agreed we now need to work on considering the words we say, the tone of voice we use and behaviour we demonstrate in the classroom and in all areas of the school.

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Topic for the Term

We reflected on learning about the rainforest. We were all amazed about the knowledge and skills we have gained.

Our new topic for this term is going to be The Scottish Parliament. Together the class planned a list of questions to investigate over the term. We would be delighted if parents and carers could talk more with us about the Scottish Parliament and how it works for Scotland.

Go Green, Go Wild

On Friday we held our Go Green , Go Wild dress up day.  We are pleased to announce we have raised £139.71 to help our great cause of saving and replanting trees in the rainforest.  The children in the school looked absolutely fantastic! Thank you to all the parents and carers for donating money and helping us play our part in being eco friendly.  We will up date the blog with information on the chosen charity very soon.

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Have a great weekend!

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