P6/5 News Week beginning 10th October 2016

Thank you to all the parents and carers who were able to make our Rainforest assembly on Friday 14th October.  I’m sure you’ll agree, the children were fantastic!  Well done everyone!

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This week the children have been focusing on up level their writing, by using a wider range of connectives.  The children used some connectives when they wrote letters to persuade loggers to stop chopping down the trees. They are also looking forward to having a dress down day on Friday 28th October, themed GO GREEN, GO WILD DAY to raise money to help go towards saving and replanting trees in the rainforest.  Pupils can donate £1 and come to school dressed up like an animal or wear green to represent the trees and plants of the forests. A fun way to help the pupils of the school become more eco-friendly and make contributions to saving Planet Earth.

This week’s skill was ‘Remember’.

Our Skillionaires of the week: Katie Wilson and Caitlin McInytre.


We also had Callum Gibbs sharing a wider achievement at assembly.  Callum recently climbed Ben Nevis!  What an amazing achievement!


P5 children will be attending a Handball tournament on Wednesday 26th October.  Please ensure that all EE2 forms and permission slips are returned on the first day back after the holidays.

Have a great holiday 🙂

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