Learning in P6/5 Week beginning 3rd October

This week the class worked in problem solving partners to tackle more challenges using the strategies draw it out or trial and error. In the plenary we discussed the importance of reading and understanding the instructions.

In art we have been using pencil to draw Rainforest animals to add to our classroom display.

As part of our Rainforest topic we investigated food chains and discussed deforestation. We discovered positive and negative effects of deforestation; and are hoping to write about our own views. The children became quite passionate about the subject and had great ideas about working towards saving the rainforest. We hope you can make our assembly next week, where we are looking forward to sharing our knowledge about the rainforest.

We found many different food chains like:  leaf – worm – Toucan – Anaconda

In cursive handwriting we focused on capital I and J. We supported each other by peer assessing and recording two stars and a wish.  Next week we’re hoping to focus on capital K and L.

In Drama with Mr Richards, we played some fun games, which involved listening to clapping sounds.

The children have been interested in Hurricane Matthew this week and we have been watching the news to learn about the destruction it has caused.

Please come to our assembly on Friday 14th October.

Dean, Harris and Khizar helped contribute to this week’s class blog entry.

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