Learning on P6/5

This week’s learning has been challenging and interesting.

We began the week by learning how to write capital G and F in cursive.

On Wednesday Mrs Harrison was missing in action from the classroom (actually she was at a course all day :)) and Mrs Waugh took over to teach the class about living creatures in the rainforest.  The pupils work in groups to learn about the Rhinoceros Beetle, Toucan, Spider Monkey, and Jaguars.

Zac learnt that Toucans have a body length of 66.95cm approx (22 inches).  Their beak can be 19 centimetres long!

Callum McM learnt that the Jaguar is the third biggest cat in the feline family.  It stalks it prey in the rainforest.

In Maths the pupils participated in a mild, spicy and hot challenge based on following clues to find the right seat for Willy Wonka, James, Matilda, Sophie, Danny and Mrs Twit. The idea was to develop the use of the strategies: Act It Out or Draw it or Trial and Error. The problem solving was enjoyed by all and we are hoping to tackle more problems to be come more confidence.


In art, we looked at the body shapes of animals to learn how to draw detailed illustrations. Each person in the class drew an amazing pencil drawing of a toucan.  Next we are hoping to learn how to use tone and texture to shade our illustrations.

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We also have a pupil in our class, who we are enjoying getting to know.

Mrs Harrison was helped by Zac Wilson, Callum McMillan and Caitlin McIntyre to complete P6/5’s blog entry this week.

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