Latest P7/6 news

Hello and welcome to the latest news from Primary 7/6! This week we have:

  • Primary 7 class members went to BLES and picked up new skills including painting, building & electrical! They had an amazing time!
  • We continue to work on improving our handwriting skills by using handwriting cards.
  • We saw DJ Paul on Tuesday afternoon who helped us learn more about mixing, using the decks and DJ skills.
  • We continued our topic work on Japan – we created our own Coy Carp pictures using pastel crayons and pencils.
  • We also learned how to write the Japanese numbers from 1 to 10!
  • We created origami models of kimono’s and happi coats.
  • Our Big Talk task to help with our writing this week was to talk about our aspirations for the future.
  • We had a “biscuit and blether” with parents/carers today who came in and looked at our French/Spanish etc language resources – we also got to eat some pain au chocolate, croissants, salami and cheese – all washed down with hot chocolate!! Thanks to everyone for coming along this morning.

Thanks to the whole class for writing this weeks blog! See you soon



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