P4 – A short, but busy, week!

Wow! Last night’s Rookie Rockstars’ concert was a great opportunity for us to show everyone what we had been learning with Dave and the rest of his crew last week. We had so much fun, even though it was a little scary playing to such a large audience! We hope you enjoyed it! We are glad it’s Friday because being a rockstar certainly uses up a lot of energy and we are all a bit tired today!

Although it’s been a very short week, we have been still been doing a lot of learning. We enjoyed our careers masterclasses on Wednesday afternoon and we’ve been continuing to develop our understanding of Place Value.

Our favourite thing in class this week was learning about primary and secondary colours and Pointillism – this is an art technique created by a French artist called George Seurat, who lived quite a long time ago. Pointillism is using coloured dots to create a picture. We got the chance to try this but, instead of using a paintbrush, we used cotton buds! Mrs Stewart was very impressed with our listening skills as we followed her instructions really well. It took us a long time to work out what we might be creating with our dotty colour wheel, but finally Scott guessed correctly! You will have to wait until our assembly on the 7th October to see the completed artwork but, it will fit in well with our  ‘Go dotty for October’ assembly. You will see a lot of spots before your eyes, as we are having a whole school dress down day that day, in aid of the Royal National Institute for the Blind.

On Tuesday, 27th September, Natalie and Glynn from the RNIB are coming out to speak to us about visual impairment and show us some of the equipment that help those with sight loss – we are really looking forward to this!

Message from Mrs McGlynn –

We looked at local charities in class  and the children started thinking about what kind of charity they would create for local children. West Lothian Food Bank have kindly agreed to allow us to visit their distribution centre in Blackburn  and  talk to the children about the charity. This will be in the afternoon of 4/10/16, the usual letter and forms will be sent out shortly.


Hope you all have a lovely weekend! 🙂

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