News from Primary 2F

After Assembly on Friday, Riley had the hiccups so Miss Adam picked him up and shook them out (because Riley wanted to try it).

It worked! – Riley

What have we been learning this week?

We have been learning how to head bang with Rookie Rockstars in the afternoon – Kirsty

We had to think of questions to ask Glynn and Rhoda (The Rookkie Rockstars) – Hali

We learned how to do air guitars in time with the music – McKenzii

We did Challenges with Rookie Rockstars – William

It’s not ALL been rocking with Rookie Rockstars – we have done some work!

We were writing letters to our Primary 1 teachers – Kailli

We were learning about tens and units – Jamie

We were working with the Numicon to make 20 in different ways – Kailli

We were solving problems in maths – William

We were trying to solve the “Solve it Blocks” – Jamie

We were learning to do neat cursive handwriting – Sean

We were learning the ee/oo sounds and ai/oa sounds in Early Intervention with Miss Adam and learning the  igh sound with Miss Akram. – Kirsty and Hali

Here is a picture of us being slightly crazy – even Bonzo!






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