The superheroes week in P2S

Another busy week in P2S!

Primary 2S have been thoroughly enjoying practising their handwriting and take pride in their work! We practised writing “i” this week and will continue with this letter next week.

This weeks big talk homework of “If I was a superhero…” really assisted the children with their writing and the classroom chat.  P2S were very enthuasitic about what kind of superhero they would be! Thank you to parents/carers at home for supporting us with the big talk homework every week! 🙂

P2S have also been learning to tell the time, specifically we revisted o’clock which they will have looked at in Primary 1. This coming week we will look at half past and if the superheroes are up for the challenge even quarter past!

We have finished off our mini topic about Healthy eating and the children have thoroughly enjoyed learning about the different food groups but most of all they enjoyed learning about how much sugar is in drinks.  They learned about muscles and keeping fit as well! Ask your child what the biggest muscle in their body is, although be warned this may be followed by fits of giggles as it did in class 🙂

Well done to Courtney and Quinn for their Head teachers’ awards, which they won for creating their own healthy plate! 🙂




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