First of all a HUGE thank you to all parents, carers and children to came along to the ‘Meet the Teacher’ night on Wednesday. It was lovely to meet you all and I hope you found out everything (and more) that you hoped to. Please remember that I operate an open door policy and encourage you to come to me with any concerns, compliments, worries or feedback on any aspect of your child and their education. I love to hear about the positive things as well as the negative and look forward to hearing from you throughout the year. What goes on at home has just as much, if not more, of an impact on your child as what happens in school so please keep me updated.
As always, on a Friday, the children and I spent some time reflecting on our week. Here are the highlights from this week:
I was really excited to find out that our new topic is Oceans and fishing. Neive
I can’t wait to start our new topic next week. – Kirstin.
I loved getting my head teacher’s award this week. – Kaiden
I really liked getting to create tally charts and bar charts this week. – Brooke
I really enjoyed going to the meet the teacher night this week. – Neve
Our Pokemon class charter looks really cool. – Joshua and Harry
Our new ‘Birthday Board’ display looks great! – Liam
I still really like doing the cursive handwriting. A’s and C’s are my favourite so far. – Scott
I was really pleased to win the chance to sit on the pink chair in the raffle this week. – Layla
I’m delighted to have been picked to be a class rep for the pupil council. – Emma
P.E. with Mr Richards was great fun on Wednesday. – Robbie
My favourite thing this week was getting to choose the colour and pattern for Mrs Vince’s nails. We even created a bar chart to show which one was most popular. – Esme
The children decided that my nails should be blue with flowers. We decided this by conducting a survey, creating a tally chart then displaying our results on a bar chart. They were all really excited to see them on Thursday morning and were delighted with their choice – as was I!!
Homework for next week
Children will be focusing on place value for the first 6 week block. To help them consolidate their learning in class homework this week will be an online game.
This is a super way for the children to improve their skills and understanding in a fun way.
Thank you to everyone who has covered their homework jotters already. This will help protect them between home and school. For anyone who hasn’t done this yet, please ensure it is done by Friday of next week. (09.09.16)
Reading and spelling homework will be allocated next week for all children so look out for this. Spelling homework is due to be handed in on a Thursday but reading homework varies from group to group. (Please see the inside cover of your child’s homework jotter for further details.)
Talk homework will be sent home as normal on Monday. The topic for the week is ‘My first day at school.’ This could be their first day at a new school, first day in their new class, first day in P1 or whatever is easiest for them to write about. I was really pleased with the writing this week so look forward to seeing what they can do!
One or two children still do not have an outdoor gym kit and/or indoor shoes. Please ensure your child has these as soon as possible.
Have a fantastic weekend, whatever you’re doing.
Mrs Vince <3