News from P2A …winning class!

happy P2A
happy P2A


We did Fischy music this week – Callen

We wrote butterfly poems this week – Jack

Some of us got Headteachers Awards for our poems – well done to Sara & Lilianna, Jana & Freya and Jack & Eva.

We did the static electricity experiment with a paper butterfly – Sara

static electricity lifted the butterflys wings
static electricity lifted the butterflys wings

We were pretending to be bees to pollinate the flowers – Brogan

learning about poliination
learning about pollination

We watched video clips with Miss Akram about feelings – Jack

We have really enjoyed learning about minibeasts

working in the lab
working in the lab

P2A June 2016 003

P2A June 2016 008


huge spider!!
huge spider!!

Well done to the skillionaires this week – Ross and Payton

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