P7 Bathgate Transition – Update

Just a little reminder that our P7 pupils joining Bathgate Academy, after the Summer holidays, have their transition days on Tuesday 7th June – Friday 10th June.  Staff from Murrayfield will attend the academy on Tuesday morning and then again on Thursday as part of the sports festival.

Pupils are required to make their own way to the academy using either West Lothian Council school transport or alternative arrangements.  Bus passes will be handed out on Monday and it is the responsibility of the pupils to keep these safe so that they can be used to get to and from Bathgate Academy.

Originally these bus passes were only designed to cover 3 days, however there has been a slight change and the bus passes will now be valid on the Friday too.  The dates on the passes state Tuesday 7th – Thursday 9th only, but we have been told that these are now valid for the Friday too and the bus drivers have been informed of this change.

If West Lothian Council currently provide a taxi to transport your child to school then arrangements will be made for them to be taken to and picked up from the academy.

Your child should have received all other necessary information regarding these transition days and can discuss any questons or queries they have with their teachers tomorrow.


Mrs Waugh

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