Whooosh…………..another week has just zoomed past!!
In numeracy we have been learning the subtraction facts for 4 and 5.
In literacy we have been writing a personal diary entry about what we had for dinner. Our task was to use a wow word to describe our dinner. Some really interesting words were used like ‘tasty’, ‘delicious’, ‘scrumptious’.
Some of the reading groups started non-fiction books this week. We have been learning what non-fiction means. In our literacy skills jotter we wrote sentences about what information or facts we learned from our books.
We have been exploring shadows and what they are. We watched a shadow puppet show and then designed and made our own shadow puppet. Next week we will be making our own shadow puppet theatre.
We have already had some superb puppets brought in for our homework task, Mrs Wedlock and Mrs Williams are looking forward to seeing more next week. Please remember the due date for this challenge is WED 18th MAY 🙂
On Friday the teachers surprised the children by dressing up as Superheroes, this was a little reminder to children that we are looking to build resilience and superheroes come across challenges in life that they find tough but they don’t let it knock them down, they get right back up and try again. Mrs Wedlock was Super Lightning McQueenie and Mrs Williams was Bat Girl!
Have a super week end P1!!