This week our P7/6 and P7 classes have been learning about:
- The Scottish Elections
- Living in a democracy versus a dictatorship
- Voting systems: First Past the Post versus Proportional Representation
The classes were split into parties. Using their developing team work skills they had to work together, democratically deciding on:
- Party Name
- Party Leader
- Party Colour, Logo and make Rosettes
- Write a Manifesto
- Design and create a leaflet promoting their party
- Write a speech to promote their party
Both Mrs Harrison and I were extremely impressed with the manner in which all pupils engaged with their learning. They demonstrated superb team work skills and a real maturity in each of the tasks set. A HUGE well done to all!
Today we brought our learning together and held a mock election. All pupils from P5-7 were invited to listen to the manifesto speeches and a democratic vote was held. Ms Macrae also came along – she too was extremely impressed with the standard of the work. Thank you to all the pupils and teachers from P5 and P6 for coming along to support our election.
We plan to further develop and extend our knowledge of political elections by learning about the upcoming European Referendum.
The result of today’s election will be announced on Monday … Watch this space!
Hope you all have a fantastic weekend and enjoy the good weather!
Miss Preston and Mrs Harrison
Excellent to see P7 and P7/6 participating in democratic elections and demonstrating your a whole lot of active citizenship. Well done guys!
For a head start on the European Referendum there’s information in English, and in French here
Keep calm and vote on!