This Week in P1S

Another busy week in P1S.


“We made our own character.” – Kailli.

“We had to use WOW words to describe our monsters.” – Hali.

“We had to think about what our character looked like and draw it first.” – Peter.


“We made 2D shape posters.” – Jack.

“I made a robot using 2D shapes.” – Elsie.

“I made a big square using the sticks.” – Cameron.

Primary 1 have also been learning French. We know that Bonjour means hello and today we learned:

Comment tu t’appelles? – What is your name?
Je m’appelle… – My name is…

We are enjoying learning French and using what we learn on a daily basis.

Have a lovely weekend.

One thought on “This Week in P1S”

  1. Bonjour P1S, I’m delighted to hear that you are enjoying learning and using your French. Have you ever wondered what school would be like in France? Is it the same or different to school in Scotland? Follow this link to have a guided tour of a school in France with Papo the Parrot: Amusez-vous bien!

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