P5/4 Latest!

Another week whizzes by and only a few days left until the Easter Holidays!

This week we have:

  • Been working on our Listening Skills which continue to improve
  • Working hard on mental maths as well as revisiting aspects of time and money – we worked really well as a team
  • Celebrated success with Sophie Carty who won medals for her Irish Dancing and Ellie Chapman who also won medals and a trophy for gymnastics! Well done girls!!
  • Thoroughly enjoyed the bench ball tournament held at Blackburn Community Centre on Wednesday. We put all of our newly learned skills into action and had a great time! Please see some of the photos below.
  • Today sees us raise money for Sport Relief in our Jammy Jog – photos will be posted next week!

On a separate note, Mr Richards would like to thank all the parents who came by yesterday for a chat and a look around the classroom. It was really nice to discuss your children’s learning and continuing successes!

See you all again next week. 🙂

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