Greetings from P5/4!

Hello from everyone in Primary 5/4! This week we have:

  • Learned how to get through a slalom of cones using our improving hockey skills!
  • Improved greatly on our skills in Bench Ball & we are now much more confident about the festival on Wednesday 16th March.
  • Using a picture and listing adjectives to help us write a story (please see the pictures below of all the words we came up with)
  • Started work on our Topic PowerPoint which we hope to share with the class next week!
  • Problem solving this week – we looked at the 5 steps to problem solving which are (1) Read & Think, (2) Choose A Strategy, (3) Experiment, (4) Consider & (5) Report & Record. This has been challenging but very worthwhile.
  • Huge congratulations to Zac Wilson and his successes in Tae Kwon Do – enjoy his pictures!
  • We had a class presentation on Monday to showcase our Homework Challenges and there was some amazing work produced! Please enjoy the photos below!!

See you next week!

One thought on “Greetings from P5/4!”

  1. WOW! Primary 5/4 you have worked extremely hard. What a talented bunch you are!!!! Keep up the good work. Ms Macrae

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