Primary 2A

We have been practising for our Fairtrade Assembly and we did a great job today – Jack

Thank you to all of you who managed to come along to see it.

We were busy today and went to the primary 1 80’s disco – Brogan.

We started measuring this week with cubes – Warren

For homework we had to think of the missing word using our reading book – Alex.

The Skillionaires this week for estimating length were Alex and Megan – well done girls!

The Head Teacher Award this week went to Brogan for excellence in reading and writing. Well done Brogan – keep up the hard work.

We wore our pjs for our Fairtrade Assembly. Sit down for breakfast - stand up for farmers.
We wore our pjs for our Fairtrade Assembly.
Sit down for breakfast – stand up for farmers.


After our Fairtrade Assembly please try to change your breakfast to Fairtrade over the next fortnight. P1 – P3 please collect the Fairtrade lables over the next 2 weeks and bring them to school to fill in the letters for Fairtrade.


One thought on “Primary 2A”

  1. What a super assembly P2A! You all looked so comfy n cosy in your PJs too! Well done!

    P7/6 have already began collecting fair trade stickers for your challenge!

    Hope you have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Preston and P7/6

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