This week in Primary 7…

In Numeracy we have been applying our knowledge of fractions, decimals and percentages through problem solving. We have also worked in pairs to deepen our understanding of percentages. We are in the process of creating some super posters to demonstrate our learning!

In Literacy we are using our previous work of character description, setting description and time travel to create a ‘Time Travelling Tale’. Primary 7 have worked hard to write a mini saga for a Young Writers Competition. There are three golden rules that we have to follow and the first one is the trickiest!!!

Golden Rules of Mini Saga Writing:
1) Mini sagas must be no more than 100 words
2) Mini sagas must have a beginning, middle and an end.
3) Mini sagas must be written in your own words.

Here is an example of one the excellent competition entries…

On a cold and rainy night the Doctor pressed the button and zoomed to the future. He arrived at an old evil haunted house. It was 10 o’clock. The front door opened with a loud creek, it was covered with giant spider webs. He stepped into the house very slowly, he felt the dangerous atmosphere. He caught a glimpse of a shadow, a shadow as fast as a plane taking off. Suddenly the Doctor felt someone tap his back. Startled, he ran, ran for his life, he ran fast! It was an old spirit that chased him, chased him to the death.

By James McGuire

In other areas of the curriculum we have been learning more about how everyday appliances are designed. We have also been very busy practising for the Christmas Variety Show. Hope to see you there. Remember to get your tickets from Mrs Strachan.

Enjoy your weekend!
Primary 7

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