P1W and the new term!

We are already well underway with our learning for term 2.  This week:


  • we have been counting to 20 forwards and backwards
  • identifying numbers before and after within 10
  • adding 1 more and 2 more and counting how many we have
  • practising writing numbers to 10 using numicon and number lines to help us


  • we have been playing games in the class to help us learn the character names such as Floppy, Biff , Mum etc
  • we played bingo to help us match the name of the character to the person
  • we have een practising spelling the character names using our magnetic letters.


  • This week we clebrated Riley achieveing a Head Teacher Award for being a confident climber in gym with Mrs Logan. Well done Riley!!
  • McKenzii has been working hard to write his name at the top of his work!
  • Ethan and Jase worked well together as a team to problem solve our letter puzzle – they were this weeks skillionaires for applying problem solving skills to their learning. Well done boys!

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