What have we been learning this week?
Freya – We have been learning time. We can tell o’clock and half past times. We used chalk to make clocks outside and we sorted clocks.
Jack – I won the spotlight this week for writing on my own and remembering capital letters and full stops and finger spaces.
Brogan – We have been learning to take away.
Alex – We have been learning how to add.
Callen – We have been doing our walk and run every day to get fit.
Sara – We have been learning more about people who help us.
Brooke – We having been learning the sounds of the fire engine, ambulance and police cars.
Jack – We have been learning about the vehicles for the emergency services.
Miss Adam – we have been working hard this week and
Payton, Eva, Callan, Alex and Ross won Head Teacher Awards.
Keep up the good work!
Thank you for picking me for spotlight ! Jack x
You deserved it Jack as your writing was very good. You remembered to use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.