Primary 7 Update

Good Afternoon

We have started to explore India, using our geography skills to locate it and identify the countries surrounding India.

In Science we are finding out more about the body, our main focus this week was the skeleton. We had great fun completing a timed challenge of correctly naming as many bones as possible in ten minutes. Mrs Anderson was kind and allowed us to use the internet. It will be interesting to find out more about how the body works.

We are all enjoying our novels in Literacy and have enjoyed creating interesting and though provoking questions using our new ‘Thinking Dice’.

All the Primary 7’s attended a Ceilidh at Bathgate Academy on Tuesday. This was a great opportunity to apply our fabulous Scottish Country Dancing skills. We made Mrs Anderson and Mrs Stewart very proud by representing the school in a mature and enthusiastic manner!! Keep an eye on the blog for pictures!
We are looking forward to our Community Ceilidh on Wednesday!!

Have a great weekend and stay safe…

Primary 7 🙂

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