Our Learning in P3A

In writing this week we were writing about When I found a Monster. We used our Planning Sheet to help us.

In Grammar we were learning all about adjectives.

In spelling, one group  we were learning words with er. Another group were learning ing words and magic e with the letter u.

In PE we were doing different stations with Mr Benyon. We were learning skills with a hockey stick – stopping and striking. We were improving our jumping skills- jumping over ropes. We were also using our balancing skills – walking slowly on a narrow upturned bench. We also had to sit on a large bouncy ball and throw another ball and keep our balance. We were also learning to climb up the high climbing frame.

In Maths one group were revising quarter to and quarter past and converting from analouge to digital.Another were practising all the times with an analouge clock. Another group was learning o’clock and half past and using the clocks we made to help.

In Art we were creating our own Tartan with different coloured paints. This is still a work in progress, but they are looking good.

In Roots of Empathy – Ali came in with baby Erica and Mummy Kelly. Baby Erica had grown alot since we last saw her.

The Skillionaires this week were :

Ellie – for understanding some of the Scots words we have been learning.

Zac – for explaining in his own words how to add 2 digit numbers together.

Next week the focus is on EVALUATE …………..



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