P7/6 Latest News

P7/6 have been working very hard on their ceilidh dancing and their new topic, Japan. We are creating a display for our new topic. P7s went to Bathgate Academy to do a ceilidh with other p7s at other schools (photos to follow). All of the p7s and 6s are doing a community ceilidh. P7/6 have been working extremely hard on character description by using pen and not making as many mistakes. In spelling we are learning our soft C and prefixes. We have also been learning direct speech.
CAB started and three people from p6, p7/6 and p7 are going down to the Mill to raise awareness for CAB.
We’ve been getting to know the new acting Principal Teacher, Ms Taylor, as she has been in class taking lessons and also teaching us basketball, in P.E.
We are learning our weather and seasons in French with Mrs Stewart. The Skillionaire has started up since the new term.
Mrs Stewart asked us about which books and authors we would like for our class to read, so we all shared our ideas. Mrs Stewart gave the list to Ms McCrae and she said she can order some copies of the books!!
Naomi and Abi

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