Tag Archives: P5a

P5a Basketball Masterclass

Yesterday P5a were privileged to have 2 basketball stars in our midst…..Finlay Ferguson and Ruari Harvey shared their talents with P5. The boys were not impressed with my skills the previous week and suggested that they take over a PE lesson and share their knowledge of basketball with the rest of the class. Both Finlay and Ruari train every week with West Lothian Wolves and put together a whole lesson to share with the class. The boys split the class into 2 groups and each took one half of the class. Finlay decided to teach his group layups and how to shoot and Ruari taught dribbling and triple threat, the groups then changed over half way through the lesson to give all children a chance of doing all activities. Both boys were excellent at giving their groups instruction and modelling exactly what they had to do. All of the children in P5a, including Finlay and Ruari, loved their lesson and have learned new skills along the way. Keep your eye out on the blog for future masterclasses as we now have a long list of children wanting to share their expertise……from drama to gymnastics.


I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.


Miss Anderson

P5 Christmas Party!

On Friday we partied the morning away, both P5 classes had their long awaited Christmas party. Unfortunately Santa was busy and was unable to pop by but we all had a fantastic time anyway! Everyone make a huge effort and looked fabulous. After some games and dancing we got together for our party feast. We had amazing dancers and everyone showed great competitive spirit during our games. I think it is safe to say that everyone really enjoyed themselves.

Not long now until the big day.

We hope you all have a wonderful and safe Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.


Miss Anderson & Mrs Campbell


Maths week Scotland in P5A

Maths has been our main focus this week in P5a. We have been learning all about position and direction. At the start of the week we got out our Atlases during IDL, where we had to locate where the Rainforests were in the world. We used our knowledge about using a non-fiction book to help us locate this information in the Atlas. One of the children spoke about co-ordinates and was able to explain to the others what a co-ordinate was,  the other children were then challenged to find a main airport and provide the co-ordinate for it.

We then started to think about the language that we could use to give someone directions, what the children came up with was amazing, things such as; co-0rdinates, 360, 180 and 90 degrees, clockwise, anti-clockwise, full, 1/2 and 1/4 turn, left and right, backwards and forwards and the 8 compass points. We used our new language skills to write direction of how to get from one point of a map to another. We took our learning outside and we had to direct each other from different points in the playground using all the language that we had learned. We quickly learned that when blind folded we were unsure as to what direction N,E,S and W was and we had to change our language, we all had great fun.

We have also been learning how to ask good questions in maths. Miss Anderson and the children had to use their questioning skills to find out what the number was and the only answer could be yes or no. Some of the good questions that were asked were:

Is it an odd/even number?

Does it have 2/3/4 digits?

Is it a prime number?

Is it a multiple of?

The children were then given the opportunity to work with a partner and get them to ‘guess’ the number. This is a great game that can be played at home to improve questioning skills.


Hope you all have a fantastic September weekend.


Miss Anderson

Life in P5a

All of the children have got off to a great start over the past few weeks and have settled well into the routines of P5. We have been building our class community and getting to know each other a bit better. One of the first things that we had to do was decide on what theme we wanted for our class charter and we all decided on a ‘cinema’ theme, I think you will agree that it turned out fantastically, we then had to decide on what the most important children’s rights were that we wanted to respect within our classroom, not only did we discuss what ones were relevant within our classroom but we also spoke about what we could do within our class to respect these rights. We have all signed out class contract and can’t wait for a happy and successful year in P5a.

In our class we also have our ‘Class Shout Out Wall’ where if someone feels that somebody is doing a fabulous job or if someone has helped you, we can write a compliment on a post it and place it on someones ‘face’…….. It’s ok we got everyone to draw a self portrait for the wall so no-one will be coming home covered in post-its! The wall seems to be covered in post-its on a daily basis as we have such a great class where everyone is kind and helps each other.

We are all looking forward to the next year in P5a.

Miss Anderson & P5a


P5s Easter Poetry

L.I. We are learning to use interesting vocabulary to write a poem about Easter.

S.C. -I can use features specific to a poem

– I can include key vocabulary linked to the topic

– I can include examples of rhyme

– I can use interesting verbs and adjectives to describe my chosen subject


As we look forward to the Easter season, P5a have been learning about the true meaning behind this special time of year.

We were asked by Mrs McKenzie to write some Easter poems to be recited as part of our Easter service at Kirk of Calder.

We worked in groups to come up with a bank of rhyming words and shared some examples of Easter poems.

Leah Schmidt and Niamh Sher had their poems selected to be read at the service. Both girls included some excellent examples of rhyme and worked hard to uplevel their poems after receiving feedback.

They read their poems aloud beautifully at the church and really helped everyone to get into the spirit of Easter – well done, girls!