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Place Value

We are learning to explain the link between a digit, its place and its value. MNU 2-02a

We are learning to extend the range of whole numbers we can work with. MNU 2-02a

  • I can talk about the digits which make up a number and can work out what each digit represents (i.e. partitioning).
  • I can use an empty number line to show the position of numbers in relation to each other.
  • I can compare and order numbers (by looking at the most significant digits).

This week we have been exploring place value in 6 digit numbers and beyond. We can understand numbers using digits, words, pictures and the expanded form. We have completed written activities were we had to describe, order and explain numbers. Also we started our Sum Dog place value competition.

Peggy’s First Day

Today, the Nursery were joined by a new pupil. She is called Peggy.  We fitted her out in a school uniform as she is nearly ready for Primary 1. We wrote some story books, played some Maths matching games and started building a Den for Peggy.  She is a bit different from Peggy at the Five Sisters Zoo….

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Nursery Bear Theme

The children in the Nursery are still being inspired by their visit to the Five Sisters Zoo last week. They really enjoyed meeting Peggy the brown bear. We have planned activities around the theme of Bears and Teddies and will perhaps have a Teddy Bears picnic later in the week.

It looks like there may be some Bears Dens appearing in the Nursery garden too. Watch this space.

