Category Archives: School Values

Primary 5C Class Charter

All of P5c are very excited about the start of our P5 journey and looking forward to all of the challenges ahead. We have spent the first 2 weeks of term getting to know one another and deciding what we need to do to ensure we have a safe, calm and happy environment to work in. The boys and girls decided on a ‘Busy Bee’ theme for our class charter, as we are all expecting to be kept very busy in the coming months…

We revisited our school values and the children came up with lots of ways in which we can make sure these are upheld. We then decided on which childrens’ rights to include and discussed what we will need to do to ensure everyone’s rights are met; these were displayed on flowers which we made to keep our bees busy!

We have all signed our class contract and hopefully our P5c Charter will help us to have a happy and successful year this session.


P1P Class Charter

During the first two weeks, Primary 1 have been looking at the story of the Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister. This story is all about being kind and friendly to others through sharing. We thought this linked well to our own classroom expectations and some of our School Values.

Through various activities we have explored the Rainbow Fish further and have also shared our thoughts and ideas on our school’s values. We used these brilliant ideas to create a Rainbow Fish themed Class Charter that also linked to the UN Rights of the Child.

Each bubble contains something that we think is important for us in and around the classroom and each shell contains one of our school values. We have all signed a scale on the Rainbow Fish to remind ourselves that we have agreed to our Class Charter and will use this throughout Primary 1. Brilliant work Primary 1!

Curriculum Rationale

Please find below our new Curriculum Rationale that has been written in consultation with pupils, parents and staff.

Our School Vision Statement

 All members of our learning community ‘Believe’ in themselves and thus ‘Achieve’ the best they can which will ultimately enable them to ‘Succeed’ in all they do.

Believe in yourself, Achieve your best, Succeed in all you do.

Our School Aims

  • We aim to prepare all our young people with the skills, knowledge and attributes for the challenges of the future.
  • We aim to create a learning environment which stimulates, challenges, supports and provides opportunities to develop independent learners.
  • We aim to deliver an innovative and creative curriculum which is relevant to our children’s lives and promotes personalisation and choice.
  • We aim to provide high quality learning and teaching experiences to enable every child to reach their full potential.
  • We aim to foster our core values through creating a positive and welcoming school ethos.
  • We aim to support each child’s skills and talents through recognition and celebration of individual achievements.
  • We aim to promote effective partnerships between home, school and the wider community.

Our School Values

  • Enthusiastic – I am passionate and excited by learning.
  • Friendly – I show compassion towards others and am considerate of their feelings.
  • Inclusive – I accept others and appreciate diversity.
  • Respectful – I am considerate and courteous to others.
  • Responsible – I am accountable for my learning and my actions.
  • Successful – I try my best individually and as a team member.

Curriculm Rationale

Gotta live them all in P5B


As part of our welcome to P5B week, we worked together to create our class charter which will help us to be a successful class throughout this year. We began by voting on a theme for our charter, then we created a design for it in pairs. We combined our designs to put together the final pokemon themed product. We used the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child to help us create some class rules that linked into the 7 different key articles that we explored.

We agreed that in P5B, we will…

  • Listen to each other and respect each others’ opinions.
  • Respect each others’ privacy.
  • Take part in a range of different learning activities to develop our talents and skills. We will always try our best.
  • Keep our environment and classroom as safe and as healthy as we can.
  • Respect people from all countries and their languages, religions and cultures.
  • Respect each others’ right to an education by staying focused and on task and not distracting others.
  • Make sure we take time to play and relax. We will let people join in our games by being inclusive.

Welcome to P5A


P5a explored some Articles from the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child to help create our class charter.

“We looked at the rights of children.”  (Kuba)

“We went into pairs to think about the right and drew a picture of what it means to us.” (Freya)

We voted on how to display our charter.  “We made scuba divers and creatures for our underwater theme.” (Daniel).

We have all been working very hard earning Well Done Tokens and Dojo points for following our charter and living our class values.

School Values

  • Enthusiastic – I am passionate and excited by learning.
  • Friendly – I show compassion towards others and am considerate of their feelings.
  • Inclusive – I accept others and appreciate diversity.
  • Respectful – I am considerate and courteous to others.
  • Responsible – I am accountable for my learning and my actions.
  • Successful – I try my best individually and as a team member.