Category Archives: Residentials

Highlands Residential Information Evening

It is quickly approaching time for our residential. We would like to invite you and your child to an information evening on Monday 8th February at 6pm. We will put all the information shared at this session on the blog, for those who are unable to attend.

I have attached a clothing list to this letter in order for you to start preparing for the residential. This list will be discussed at the information evening.

Pupils will be expected to arrive at school at 7:30am on Monday 7th March and will arrive back at school at approximately 4pm on Friday 11th March.


Group 3 at the Titanic Museum

Group 3 had a fantastic time at the Museum, Miss Burton was very impressed with how they could answer all the questions about Titanic. They also enjoyed the Science workshop.

On the Ferry

Primary 6 and 7 had quite an adventure on the ferry! We enjoyed  lovely breakfast but then unfortunately some of us felt a little sick. Some of us went to the upper deck to chat and play games. On the way home the crossing was calmer, we had a yummy dinner including some of Kasse’s birthday cake and watched a film. Some of us went on the deck to look at the views.