Category Archives: Learning Stories

House Captain Election 2015

There has been lots of excitement at MCPS this week surrounding our Primary House Election. The pupils in Primary 7 and their teachers have been working very hard to prepare their campaigns for the House Captain Elections. The success criteria included:

A successful campaign should be:

  • Creative
  • Original
  • Inspiring
  • A 6-10 minute speech using ICT including the following information

A successful manifesto will include:

  • your interests inside and outside of school
  • which 2 school values are most important to you and why
  • the 3 things you want to change while you are house captain – why do you want to change them and how will you do this
  • This year we are starting House Meetings once a month – what would you like to see happen at house meetings
  • Rosettes for your campaign team

A successful campaign may include:

  • Posters/banners
  • Promotional video

I am delighted to say that this years entries were of a very high standard and a big congratulations to all who took part.


A sad farewell…

This week was bitter sweet for Mid Calder Primary School as, although we were all looking forward to our summer holidays, we also had to say goodbye to some very special members of staff. Miss Cotter has been with us at MCPS for 32 years, and so the pupils and staff worked together to give her a memorable send off with a retirement assembly. Each class gave a special performance for Miss Cotter by singing songs, sharing memories, reciting poems, and some of the children even gave her some hints and tips about how they think she should spend her retirement. All of the pupils and staff would like to wish Miss Cotter a long and happy retirement.

We also had to say a sad goodbye to Mrs Gordon, Miss Dunsmore and Miss Kerr on Friday and we wish them all the very best in their new ventures.


Summer Church Service

Despite a last minute venue change due to the infamous Scottish weather, Mid Calder Primary held its annual Summer Service on Thursday 25th June. We had poems, readings, hymns, a performance from our brass band and a P7 Prayer before Miss Thompson summed up the last year at Mid Calder Primary in a closing speech.

Well done to all of the pupils and staff who helped this event to happen with the last minute changes, and to the parents for braving the weather to support our school. Happy holidays everybody! 🙂