Category Archives: Learning Stories

Primary Two are Scientists!

Primary Two are Scientists!

This week Primary Two were scientists and have been learning all about sound and the different ways we can make sounds. We had to do different experiments and describe what happened in each.

There were 6 stations –

i) Feel your Adam’s apple.

(ii) Twang a rubber

(iii) Strike a tuning fork

(iv) Scratch a balloon

(v) Pluck a guitar string

(vi) Tap a drum.

Alex thought that the sound might have been made by vibrations he could see on the drum. Myah’s group said they saw the water shake when their tuning fork touched the surface of the water.

Well done with your super observations P2. More Science to follow!


As you will be aware we have bought a Sum Dog Maths subscription for P5-7 pupils. This is an online gaming system that allows children to practise their mental maths skills. They can use this account at home. Please click here for more information. Pupils in P1-4 can make use of the free login in option at home, this is something parents can set up, please click here for more information.


Data Handling in Primary 5

Learning Intention:

We are learning to sort data using Venn, Carroll and tree diagrams

Success Criteria:

  • I can use and create Venn, Carroll and tree diagrams to help me to sort information by two and three criteria
  • I have compared how the same information is displayed differently in each diagram
  • I can choose an appropriate diagram to help me sort by more than two criteria
  • I can ask and answer questions using Venn, Carroll and tree diagrams

For the last three weeks, Primary 5 have been learning about the different ways that information and data can be sorted, and this week we have been learning about Venn, Carroll and Tree diagrams. We have been sorting numbers, letters, words and footballer profiles using different criteria. We have also been using Sumdog to help us learn.

P7 Rounding

We are learning to round a wide range of numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. MNU 2-01a

I can round to the nearest 10,100 and 1000 by looking at the digits and can explain the rule I have used.

I can explain the importance of looking at particular digits in a number when I am deciding how to round.

I can give examples of numbers which are rounded to a multiple of 10, 100, 1000.

This week in Maths we have been using our knowledge of place value to round numbers. We created posters to help us remember the rules of rounding. We have been completing text book activities, a Sum Dog challenge and have used some of our new resources to apply our knowledge of rounding.


First Event for House & Vice Captains

Today our house and vice-captains had their first task to complete in their new leadership roles. The house captains presented to guests at our Validated Self Evaluation (VSE) Scoping Meeting about the changes that have occurred in our school and the positive impact the changes had had on them. The vice captains showed our guests around the school. A big thank you to the house captain team who represented our school in a positive and engaging way.


Place Value

We are learning to explain the link between a digit, its place and its value. MNU 2-02a

We are learning to extend the range of whole numbers we can work with. MNU 2-02a

  • I can talk about the digits which make up a number and can work out what each digit represents (i.e. partitioning).
  • I can use an empty number line to show the position of numbers in relation to each other.
  • I can compare and order numbers (by looking at the most significant digits).

This week we have been exploring place value in 6 digit numbers and beyond. We can understand numbers using digits, words, pictures and the expanded form. We have completed written activities were we had to describe, order and explain numbers. Also we started our Sum Dog place value competition.