Category Archives: Learning Stories

P7/6 Burns Poems

It is that time of year again when we celebrate the birth of one of Scotland’s greatest poets, Robert Burns. In Primary 7/6 we have been asked to learn one of the poems in the link below. There are 3 options for P7 and 3 options for P6. We will be reciting our poems in class next Wednesday (21st January), with two class representatives being selected to perform at the Burns assembly. The assembly will take place on the 22nd January. So get your best Scottish accents on and make Robert Burns proud.

Primary 6 burns poems

Primary 7 Burns Poems


To show that you are Winter Ready and are able to access the blog if the school is closed,  please leave a comment with your name and what poem you will be reciting.

Good Luck!

P1a New Term

We have had a very busy start to the new term in P1a.


We have been working hard on reading and writing the Common Words.We use paper cups and bricks to build towers and word walls with the words we can read. Sometimes they get really high! We also play a game with words written on lollipop sticks. We take turns to pull out a stick, read the word and put it safely in our pile.  However, if we pull out the stick with the red dot, we have to put all the sticks we have back in the pot. When the sand in the timer runs out, the person with most sticks is the winner. We are beginning to  look at the next set of words now and these will be sent home soon, along with a new game to play!

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This week we focused on the numbers to 20. We practised reading and writing the numbers, counting forwards and backwards, saying the number after, before and between and counting groups of items. We made number sequences and put numbers in order from the smallest to the largest.



We were very excited last term when Tim Peake blasted off to the International Space Station. Our interest and enthusiasm has continued, so we have decided to investigate Space ! First of all we looked at some space related objects and pictures, and shared our ideas with each other. Then we thought about what we would really like to learn more about, and we created some questions about Space. Together,  we made a 3D Mind Map to help us plan our Learning over the next few weeks. We are going to record our Learning in a big book which we have all signed, because we will all be the authors and illustrators of it!


P1b Explore the Sun, Earth and Moon

LI: We are learning about the Sun, Earth and Moon.

SC: I can name and describe the shape of the Sun, Earth and Moon.

SC: I can sort the Sun, Earth and Moon by size.

SC: I understand that the Earth and the Moon rotate/spin.

SC: I can describe the Earth’s orbit around the Sun.

SC: I can describe the Moon’s orbit around the Earth.

Primary 1b decided to explore Space this term after watching Tim Peake in the news before the Christmas holidays. Last week we used a 3D mind map to share and discuss what we already know and think about space. Then we decided what we would like to find out this term.


Here are some examples:

“Planets go around the sun.” Daniel

“The moon spins around.” Brandon

“There’s a planet called Mars. It’s red and goes around the sun and I think it’s got volcanoes.” Isla MacKinnon

“Astronauts go up in space. Tim Peake is staying until summer and that’s a really long time.” Aimee

“How big is the sun?” Finlay

“How big is the Earth?” Lucas

“Why does the moon change shape?” Rory

“I want to learn about the moon spinning.” Kaitlyn

On Monday we decided to learn about the size, position and movement of the Sun, Earth and Moon. First we explored an interactive game to compare the shape and size of them. Lots of us had never heard of a ‘sphere’ before, so we agreed that we would like to learn more about 3D shapes soon too. After learning about the orbit of the Earth and Moon, we worked in groups of 3 using balloons to recreate the position of the Sun and the rotation and orbits of the Earth and Moon.

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It was quite tricky at first. We had to talk to each other lots to plan our movements and concentrate to make sure that we didn’t bump into each other. Here is a video of Finlay, Oscar and Rory, showing everyone how it’s done:

P1 – Explore Space from Home

P1 Winter Ready Activity

Log into your Purple Mash account (remember your username and password have been sent home). Click on the Home tab, then select the ‘My 2dos’ tab. Please click on Maths City 1 and then click on the red rocket. There you can explore a video and different activities related to space.

Please leave us a comment  on the blog to let us know how you got on. :)

P7 Burns Poems

It is that time of year again when we celebrate the birth of one of our greatest poets, Robert Burns. In Primary 7 we have a choice of 3 poems; To a Louse by Robert Burns, Nabody by Betty Allan and Address to the Deil by Robert Burns. As both Robert Burns poems are quite lengthy, the children have the choice to recite an extract from either poem. Our Burns assembly will take place on the 22nd January where 2 selected children will present their poem to the rest of the school. So get your best Scottish accents on and make Robert Burns proud.

Primary 7 Burns Poems

To show that you are Winter Ready and are able to access the blog if the school is closed,  please leave a comment with your name and what poem you will be reciting.

Good Luck!

Miss Anderson

P2 Winter Ready Activity Mr Nelson’s Class

P2 Winter Ready Activity

Log into your Purple Mash account (remember your username and passwords are in your homework jotters). Click on the Home tab, then select the ‘My 2dos’ tab. Please play the ‘Bubble Bond’ game. Start at challenge A….how far can you go?

Please leave us a comment  on the blog to let us know how you got on. :)

Pure dead braw poems for P5!

To celebrate the life and works of Robert Burns and other Scottish poets, Primary 5 have been asked to learn one of the three poems in the link below. We will be reciting our poems in class on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, with two class representatives then being selected to perform at the Burns Assembly on Friday 22nd January. But dinnae fret and keep the heid! There will be time given in class to prepare 🙂

Primary 5 Poems

To show that you are Winter Ready and are able to access the blog if the school is closed, please comment your name and the poem you have chosen to perform below.

Gie it laldy wi a poem :)

Within the infant area, we will be practising some Scots poems and songs for Burns Day. Please find the words to the Scots poems ‘Heron’ and ‘Crocodile’ below. We will be reciting our poems during the middle of next week.

If you click on the title of each poem, you can listen and read your poem along with a video link.

Heron by JK Annand

Humphy-backit heron
Nearly as big as me
Stands at the waterside
Fishin for his tea.
His skinnie-ma-linkie lang legs
Juist like reeds
Cheats aa the puddocks
Soomin mang the weeds,
Here’s ane comin,
Grup it by the leg!
It sticks in his thrapple
Then slides doun his craig .
Neist comes a rottan ,
A rottan soomin past,
Oot gangs the lang neb
And has the rottan fast.
He jabs it, he stabs it,
Sune it’s in his wame ,
Flip-flap in the air
Heron flees hame.


Crocodile by JK Annand

When doukin in the River Nile

I met a muckle crocodile.

He flicked his tail, he blinked his ee,

Syne bared his ugsome teeth at me.


Says I, ‘I never saw the like,

Cleaning your teeth maun be a fyke!

What sort a besom do ye hae

To brush a set o teeth like thae?”


The crocodile said, ‘Nane ava.

I never brush my teeth at aa!

A wee bird redds them up, ye see,

And saves me monie a dentist’s fee.

Primary Two have been designing a character from medieval times.


blog photo 2This week we have been making designs for our medieval characters. We started by working in small groups doing some research into different people who lived in medieval times. There were five groups, each group looked at a different character. We researched information on monks, knights, kings, queens and peasants. We then shared the information we had found out with the whole class. After we had completed our research we had to pick one medieval character we would like to design. Next week we are going to make our medieval characters using wooden spoon and a selection of different materials. We will keep you posted!

P2 Christmas Party

P2 had their Party on Wednesday afternoon. What a long morning for them to wait….but…they made it! I am sure you will agree how fantastic they looked and what fun they had. See below the programme as the party happened….

Primary 2 Christmas Party.pptx (1)


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May we take this opportunity to wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas.

Ms Allsopp and Mr Nelson