Category Archives: Information for Parents

September Newsletter

Dear Parent/Carer,

It was lovely to see so many of you at the recent Meet the Teacher event. Our House Captains made an excellent presentation to parents outlining the school Positive Ethos policy. This was their first House Captain duty and they delivered their key messages in an engaging and informative way and are a true asset to the school.

I hope you all have a lovely September break.

Miss Thompson

September 2015 newsletter


As you will be aware we have bought a Sum Dog Maths subscription for P5-7 pupils. This is an online gaming system that allows children to practise their mental maths skills. They can use this account at home. Please click here for more information. Pupils in P1-4 can make use of the free login in option at home, this is something parents can set up, please click here for more information.


Leavers Disco

The stars were out on the red carpet tonight at Mid Calder Primary as the Primary 7s dressed up as movie stars for their leavers disco. We were entertained by the DJ and refreshements came come our local chippy and ice cream van. A big thank you to all the staff and PSA who help to organise and attend the event. Also a big well done to Primary 7 who raised all the funds to pay for this event.