Category Archives: Health & Wellbeing

Sports Day

This week we had our Mid Calder Primary School Sports Day, which for the first time in a very long time managed to happen on the day we had planned it, thanks to the sunshine. The children took part in a variety of potted sports in their house teams and the favourite by far was the tug of war, which even some of the teachers joining in!

A big well done to Mrs Mitchell, our P.E. teacher for organising Sports Day for us and for the Primary 7 helpers. A big thank you to all the parents, family and carers that came along to support the event.

The winning house will be announced at assembly on Friday.

Internet Safety & Social Media

In our groups we are creating a fact file for primary 5-7 pupils explaining a type of social media and how they can keep themselves safe if they are using it.

  • We are learning how to safely use technology to communicate with others.
  • We are learning to consider the impact that layout and presentation have in engaging the audience with a fact file.
  • We are learning to work as part of a group.

A successful fact file will have:

  • a title
  • social media icon
  • age guidelines
  • information about the site
  • information on how to keep safe using this site
  • audience: P5-7
  • use your own words
  • A3 size
  • Text
  • Pictures

First we researched the key questions from the success criteria using the NSPCC website: Netaware. We would recommend parents look at this website to find out information about social media. Next we planned what our fact file would look like, ensuring we included the success criteria. Today we started making our fact files, watch this space for the final product!

P5 Mock Election Campaign

What an exciting couple of weeks in P5…not only has there been a National Election – P5 have been learning through a truely interactive approach about the Why and How elections happen.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Explore the general election process through role-play
  • Understand key terms such as constituencies, candidates, polling stations, political parties, manifestoes, and coalitions
  • Consider different areas of policy and set priorities
  • Discover different methods of campaigning
  • Practice their communication skills by writing and delivering a campaign speech

Success Criteria;

  • I can take part in an election campaign
  • I understand what a candidate is, where polling takes place and how, is part of a ‘political party’.
  • I can help write a manifesto and understand what (priorities) we are including and why.
  • I will help develop different methods to campaign for my party and take part in my parities campaign
  • I can help organise the ballot process

A visual story of our learning

The Election Challenge arrives.
The Election Challenge arrives.
Thinking begins...
Thinking begins…
This is harder than they thought!
This is harder than they thought!






Manifestos are written
Manifestos are written
Parties are created and roles assigned
Parties are created and roles assigned

IMG_5886       IMG_5887   IMG_5889   IMG_5890   IMG_5892   IMG_5876

Campaigning begins
Campaigning begins
Votes are made
Votes are made
Votes are counted
Votes are counted
The winners are announced
The winners are announced


In P4/3, Every Little Helps :-)

P4/3 had a great trip to Tesco Bathgate this week to find out more about how food comes from farm to fork  related to our previous topic of Healthy Families, Healthy Children. We ate many different fruit and vegetables, made our own bread, held different seafood, stood in the big freezer and even got to try some delicious cheeses- I think the favourite was blue cheese 🙂 Have a look at some of photos from the day! We loved it!

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P6-5 First Club Golf

Health and Well- Being

Physical Education Lesson 1

LI We are learning to play golf
I can name the golf equipment correctly
I can hold the club properly and stand in the correct position
I can aim the ball at a target area

“Firstclubgolf provides a unique opportunity for children to try out golf in an environment where they feel confortable. It brings a fresh approach to the way we introduce children to the sport, and I am convinced the progress we are now seeing ensures more children, from a wide range of backgrounds, will have an opportunity to be part of Scottish golf in the future”
(Torquil McInroy- clubgolf Project Manager)


During this sequence of lessons, we will be learning about golf equipment including:
– the Putter which is used to hit the ball along the ground
– the Chipper which is used to hit the ball in the air
– all surface tees and tee pegs
– balls and targets

We ventured outside for our session in the glorious sunshine and using simpler rules, smaller equipment and working together we had a fantastic session. After our quick warm up, Reece modelled the correct position to stand in and the correct way to hold the club. Reece also informed us about his experiences within golf from Harburn golf course, where he is a member.This helped support us in our introduction to golf as some of us had never played before.

We were all excited and ready to start practising. In our pairs, we collected equipment and stood at the playing area. We took turns at aiming the ball in to the target. Reece then helped pupils align their stance to the target and to hold the club correctly. This should be left hand on top of grip and right hand beneath the left.

In our next lessons we will be learning chipping, striking and playing a simple game.

Reece and Ben commented on this session,
“We were all enthusiastic and loved learning these new skills. We can’t wait for our next lesson!”

Thank you to Reece for his expertise in this area and well-done P6-5! Perhaps some competition for Rory McIlroy and Tiger Woods in the future!!

P5’s are the chefs

Great fun and learning was had with P5 and our P7 helpers in the cooking classroom this week. Following on from our healthy product challenge we had the opportunity to apply the following skills, knowledge and understanding.

When planning to cook, we need to select the most suitable ingredients, equipment and food skills for successful results.

  • a) To be able to write and follow recipes.
  • b) To be able to weigh and measure accurately.
  • c) To be able to select and use the most appropriate ingredients and equipment to plan and cook a range of dishes.
  • d) To be able to modify existing recipes.

There is a range of additional food skills which enable us to cook.

  • a) To be able to demonstrate an extended range of food skills and techniques.

Buying, storing, preparing and cooking food safely and hygienically are vital for health.

  • a) To know that food can spoil and decay due to the action of microbes, insects and other pests.
  • b) To understand and use date marks and food storage instructions on food packaging.
  • c) To demonstrate good personal hygiene when cooking
  • d) To demonstrate good food safety and hygiene when cooking

In our plenary we discussed

  • A recipe is a set of instructions for preparing/cooking a food dish, e.g. how to bake a bread.
  • To ensure that a recipe works, it is important to weigh and measure ingredients accurately.
  • It is important to select and use the most appropriate ingredients and equipment to plan and cook a range of dishes.
  • Many recipes can be modified to produce exciting and original alternatives.
  • Good personal hygiene is vital when cooking to avoid the risk of food poisoning.
  • Good food safety and hygiene is vital when cooking to avoid accidents and risk of food poisoning.

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P6-5 Dessert Mania

IDL/Food Technology Project

TCH 1-11a,TCH 2-11a, TCH 1-11b, TCH 2-11b

LI; We are learning to apply our knowledge and understanding of healthy choices to design a new health product.

I can design a new healthy food or drink product that incorporates two or more food groups.

I can make my product using the correct ingredients.

Last week we had fun making our fruity desserts. We used our recipes from the ‘Apprentice challenge’ and our recipe writing project in class. After looking at our recipes closely we had to write a shopping list with all ingredients we would require and list all equipment needed for this session.
We were all very excited about our creations and the excitement of eating/drinking them afterwards! Firstly we talked about hygiene in the kitchen and safety rules when using sharp knives. We all washed our hands and prepared the surface area we were going to work on.

Desserts detailed below:
Caitlin N and Anna made Healthy fruit boats
Laura and Olivia made Berry Boo smoothie
Charlie, Louis and Euan made a Raspberry crush smoothie
Zach, Reece and Harry made Blueberry Bananza smoothie
Ayla and Louis made Fruit cocktail
Holly and Caitlin N made Mr Pears
Rudi, Reno and Ben made a Cloudy smoothie
Connor and Ellis made Berryblue smoothie
Trystan, Chiaro and Jacob made an Orange delight smoothie

Ayla and Holly commented, “We really enjoyed making our own product come to life and the best bit was eating it with a little fresh cream!!”

Photos to follow soon