Category Archives: Achievements

Group 3 at the Titanic Museum

Group 3 had a fantastic time at the Museum, Miss Burton was very impressed with how they could answer all the questions about Titanic. They also enjoyed the Science workshop.

On the Ferry

Primary 6 and 7 had quite an adventure on the ferry! We enjoyed  lovely breakfast but then unfortunately some of us felt a little sick. Some of us went to the upper deck to chat and play games. On the way home the crossing was calmer, we had a yummy dinner including some of Kasse’s birthday cake and watched a film. Some of us went on the deck to look at the views.

Titanic Museum, Belfast – P7

Titanic Museum, Belfast
On the 26th of March 64 Pupils and 6 Staff members from Mid Calder went on a voyage to Belfast. They had to wake up at 3:00 in the morning to get to the ferry in time. They were on the bus for a few hours before arriving at the ferry. The ferry crossing was an additional 2 hours in order to get to Belfast.

The pupils enjoyed the Titanic Museum; they went through many activities including a group of missions you had to complete and a ride which gave you interesting information about how the Titanic was built. We learned about the linen industry, in Belfast, in the early 1900s, the shipyard, the wreckage and the working conditions of the people.

The trip was very enjoyable and interesting. Pupils and Staff were very tired after a long day and arrived back in Mid Calder at 9:30.

Joshua, P7