All posts by Mrs Smith

Pizza Fun

This week Primary 1 visited Pizza Express to make their very own pizzas.

We all travelled together on the coach which was a great experience, and gave us lots to talk about.

When we arrived we washed our hands and put on an apron and a hat.  

Then we started to make a pizza.    

First, we used our hands to squash the dough into a circle shape, and then most of us had a go at flipping it from hand to hand before throwing it up in the air and catching it! This helped to make the pizza base a little bit bigger, and soon it was ready to put in a pan. A large dollop of tomato sauce was added, and by tapping around the edge of the pan it was soon spread all over the base. Next, we added a variety of toppings. Now the pizzas were beginning to look really tasty!

We sat down at the tables and  were offered a choice of orange juice, blackcurrant juice or water.

After cooking for a while in the oven, the finished pizzas were brought out to us, and we were able to enjoy a slice.  We had made a really good job of the pizzas, so it was a delicious snack!

Finally we closed the boxes, and took the pizzas back to school, ready to take home and share with our families.

What a great morning we had!

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Primary 1 have been learning how to look at a map of the local area and recognise features such as a road, a river, a wood and different kinds of buildings. The children were all very keen to identify these familiar places, and we had lots of interesting discussion about what we could see.

Next, we decided to look at a map of the Isle of Struay, and compare it to our local area. It was very exciting to discover that some things were similar to the area where we live, but some things were quite different.                                                                                                                                                         We were particularly interested to discover that Struay has a castle, a golf course and lighthouses !

One thing that intrigued us was the compass that was shown on the map. Now we would like to learn a little bit more about this.                                                                                                                         For instance –

  • What does a real compass look like?
  • Who uses a compass?
  • How does it work?


Learning Intention – To find half of a shape

Success Criteria

  • I can find half of a shape by folding
  • I can show 2 equal parts
  • I can write half in different ways

We have been learning to find half of a shape by folding it very carefully into two parts. We learnt that the two parts must be the same size. Each equal part is called a half. It was interesting to learn different ways to write half.

It was really tricky work, and we needed to stay  focused on the task. We were very good at helping and encouraging each other.

Now we would like to find half of a number, and we already have some good ideas about how we can do this.