All posts by Mrs Smith

P1 Visit Stirling Castle

Today, as part of our Castles IDL, Primary 1 visited Stirling Castle.

First of all we went to a Puppet Workshop where we met King James V and his wife, Mary of Guise. We learnt how to introduce ourselves to the King, and even used some of  our French speaking skills, since Mary of Guise came from France. We listened to the story of the King’s Tailor, and joined in with the words and actions. Then we were introduced to more puppets who helped us to understand the roles of all the different people who lived in the castle a long time ago. We used instruments to help us create the sounds of a busy castle too. It was certainly a noisy place! Finally we were allowed to handle the puppets ourselves, and we had a lot of fun working together to create little scenarios.

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After lunch, we visited The Great Hall. We also went into the Queen’s Chambers , and we learnt how we would be introduced to the Queen. There was a lot of bowing and curtsying! We had to stand around the edge of the carpet too, unless the Queen herself invited us forward.



Finally, we went to the tailor’s workshop, and had a look at the lovely materials which were used to make outfits for the King and Queen. We also tried on some costumes, and enjoyed pretending to be different characters.

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We had a fantastic day, and it really helped us to understand what life in a castle was really like. We would like to say a special Thank You to the Parent Helpers who came along too. Now we are looking forward to next week when we will hold our own ‘Ball In The Hall’.

Safer Internet Day

On Safer Internet Day 2017, P1 were developing their understanding of what is meant by personal information. They were also learning that this information is private and should be kept safe.

SC  I can give examples of what personal information is
I can make choices about the information I share with others

We began by looking at some photographs, and we were amazed at how many clues we could get about something or someone just by looking at a photograph. We started thinking about the kind of information we could see, and realised that we have similar information about ourselves – name, age, address, school etc. In small groups we discussed whether other people, especially people we don’t know, should know this kind of information about us. We decided they should not. This personal information should be private. To consolidate our thinking, we then worked together to sort some photographs into two hoops – personal information that should be kept private, or information that could be shared. Lots of good discussion could be heard as we worked on this task.


Later, we made an ‘All About Me’ poster showing information about ourselves that we were happy to share with others eg my favourite colour, my favourite book etc. We all remembered not to put any private information on our poster, and we were all happy to show our posters to each other.

P1 Counting

We are learning to skip count.

SC  I can count forwards and backwards in twos

After reading the story of The King’s Socks, we each designed a pair of socks as a birthday gift for the King. We used stripes and spots to create patterns. We also learnt that a pair means there are two of something, and they are the same.

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Next, we sorted a big pile of real socks into pairs. Then we used them to help us count in twos. We counted all the way to 10 and then to 20. Counting back was quite tricky, but we will keep practising!


P1 Number Talks

We are learning to use different strategies to help us add

SC I can look at the pattern and say how many there are altogether

I can talk about the strategy I used

In Primary 1, during our recent Number Talks, we have been focusing our attention on  Addition. We have been using dot patterns and ten frame patterns to help us. We look carefully as the pattern is flashed onto the SmartBoard, and we quickly work out how many dots or counters we see altogether. It’s very interesting to listen to each other’s ideas, and talk about the different  strategies that have been used. For instance, we often  talk about using Doubles, counting in twos, knowing number bonds and counting on to help us.

We practise our Addition in other ways too. Sometimes we play games together or use ICT.dscn1541dscn1529dscn1544dscn1546dscn1527dscn1525 dscn1549 dscn1550

Here are a couple of games that we enjoy playing in class.    (addition within 10)  (total less than 10)


Book Week

LI We are learning to recognise rhyming words

SC I can listen carefully and identify pairs of words that rhyme

Last week, as part of Book Week Scotland, Primary 1 received their Bookbug Bag from the Scottish Book Trust. On Thursday afternoon we watched the author Nick Sharratt reading his book called Shark in the Park on a Windy Day. The grown ups who came to join us for the afternoon seemed to enjoy the story too! The story was about a little boy called Timothy Pope who looked through his telescope and thought he saw a shark in the park. But was it? We enjoyed listening to the story and joining in with the repetition. We also noticed that there were lots of rhyming words in the story. We were keen to make our own telescopes, but since we couldn’t take them to the park, we decided to use them in the classroom instead. Our task was to look through the telescope and find the rhyming words hidden around the room. Everyone worked really hard and soon all the words had been found. Very well done Primary 1, and Thank You to all the grown ups who came along to join us on our word hunt!


Woodland Adventure

On Tuesday, Primary 1 visited the Almondell and Calderwood Country Park.

We went there because we had previously spotted this area on a map of our local area, and we wondered if it would be a suitable place for Bobby Bear to live.

We were very excited to be travelling altogether on a big coach. Our behaviour on the coach was very good indeed, so it was an excellent start to our day out. We soon arrived and met the Rangers who  were going to be working with us for the rest of the day.

First of all, we thought about the things that a bear would need in order to survive, and because we have been learning about Living Things in the classroom,  we decided that he would definitely need food and water, air to breathe and shelter. We walked on the path alongside the river, and as we walked, we could see  that  food and water   would certainly be available for animals living in the wood. Air was all around us too- it was blowing the leaves off the trees!

Next, we walked deeper into the wood  looking for somewhere that would provide materials to build a shelter. Soon we found a great place, and  in small groups we set off to find the things we would need. There was some fantastic teamwork, as everyone worked together to gather enough sticks  to begin building. Here are some photographs of us hard at work –


After lunch we set off to look for evidence of more Living Things in the woods. We discovered lots!

First, with the help of some little toy clues that were hiding all around us, the Ranger introduced us to different kinds of animals and birds and she told us a little bit about each one.   The boys and girls listened carefully and asked some very good questions.

Then we explored some of the trees and plants round about. We discovered seeds, and we even acted out growing from a tiny seed into a great big, tall tree. We especially enjoyed hearing about the helicopter seeds and  the conkers, and were very keen to find some of our own.

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Finally, we created a little reminder of our day.

We had a few minutes to look at all the beautiful colours of Autumn. Then we took a piece of sticky card and tried to find as many different colours as we could to stick to it. We gathered lots of little things, and soon we had made lovely patterns and pictures using the nature that was all around us.

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We had a fantastic day, and we think that a wood would be a very good place for Bobby Bear to live!

We would like to say a special Thank You to all the Parent Helpers who came along to support our learning, and who did such a great job throughout the day.  We hope you come and join us again soon!

Money Week

This week in Primary 1 we have been learning all about money.

LI: We are learning to recognise the value of different coins


  • I can sort coins
  • I can recognise and name coins of the same value
  • I can count 1p coins and say how much I have altogether

We began by investigating and sorting coins using criteria suggested by the children.

The children had lots of different ideas, and soon we had –

  • a set of silver coins
  • a set of brown coins
  • a set of big coins
  • a set of round coins
  • a set of coins with straight bits

Then we  looked even more closely and we began to recognise that the coins had numbers on them, so we sorted them according to the numbers too. We decided to focus on 1p coins.

We looked at money bags containing 1p coins and we counted how much there was in each one.

We played some interactive games on the Smartboard.  We emptied the 1p coins out of  Piggy Banks and counted how much there was altogether.

We used 1p coins to fill up the Piggy Banks.

We used 1p coins to buy items in a shop.

We used 1p coins to play a game with a partner.

Primary 1 really enjoyed exploring coins this week. We will continue to revisit the topic of Money, and develop our skills further over the coming months.

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P1 Community Charter


Over the last few weeks, Primary 1 have been learning all about our six School Values. We talked together in pairs and in groups, and  shared our ideas about each one. At the moment, we are particularly interested in what it means to be Enthusiastic, and we have shown lots of enthusiasm for our learning each day. As we have all settled down together, we have started to make new friends and demonstrated what it means to be friendly and inclusive too . We will continue to talk about and demonstrate our School Values on a regular basis.

We have also talked about the Rights of the Child, and made links to our School Values.

Last week we put all this together and created  our Community Contract. Each balloon contains something that the Primary 1 children think is important for us to demonstrate  in and around the classroom. We are earning lots of Dojo points as we remember to use our Community Contract! Well Done Primary 1.