All posts by Mr Renshaw

Primary 6’s WW2 leaders

LI – We are learning to identify the leaders of the “Allied” and “Axis” countries.


Success Criteria – Agreed as a class.

Pupils ideas of Success Criteria for presentations:

– Title page.

– Picture.

– Name, age, where they come from, appearance, personality, family.

– How did they die?

– Why did he want to become a leader?

– When did he become a leader?

– How did he become a leader?

– Reasons why they were a bad or good leader.


We researched the four main war leaders – Churchill, Roosevelt, Hitler and Stalin – using the internet and non-fiction reference books. (Jamie)

We worked in groups of 3 or 4. (Matthew)

Wikipedia was one of the best websites to use. We recorded our notes in our jotters. (Erin C)

We chose how we wanted to present our information. We could use a video, PowerPoint or a poster. (Kiera)

We prepared our presentations ready to show to the rest of the class. We had to follow the success criteria. (Calum)

We had to manage our time well to finish in time and we could ask for feedback to improve our presentation. (Erika)

It was fun making the presentation and I enjoyed working in groups. We got to learn a lot about things we didn’t know. (Ryan)

We showed our presentations to the class. Everyone listened very carefully and made notes in their jotters. (Erin L)

I enjoyed it because I got to play the role of Churchill in a video. (Sophie)

I enjoyed making a presentation with my friends. (Owen)

I enjoyed making the video because I could share all my facts. (Cade)

P6 Community Charter


Primary 6 have been thinking about the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child and how we can respect these rights in school. We have also been discussing how our school values link to this. We have created a Community Charter that reflects our rights and values. We have all signed this to show that we will work together to build and maintain a great community over the coming year.

P.5/4 homework – 20/06/16

Homework for P.5/4 this week is as follows:


The Dream Catchers The Hullabaloo at no. 13 – Gyles Brandreth (p.50-end)

The Gangster Grannies Write a short review of your last book, Diary of a Killer Cat by Anne Fine.

The Cookie Readers Mr Majeika – Humphrey Carpenter (p.59-end)

The Ruthless Readers The Masked Cleaning Ladies of Om – John Coldwell (p.17-end)


Follow instructions from your Maths teacher.


There is no spelling homework this week.

P.5/4 Homework – 13/06/16

Homework for P.5/4 this week is as follows:


The Dream Catchers The Hullabaloo at no. 13 – Gyles Brandreth (p.5-49)

The Gangster Grannies The Diary of a Killer Cat – Anne Fine (p.32-end)

The Cookie Readers Mr Majeika – Humphrey Carpenter (p.33-58)

The Ruthless Readers The Masked Cleaning Ladies of Om – John Coldwell (p.3-16)

Choose two characters from the book and write a paragraph about their similarities and differences.


Follow instructions from your Maths teacher.


This week, Spelling homework will be given on Tuesday and due for Friday. As usual, follow instructions from your Spelling teacher.

Super spacecraft

P.5/4 have finished our making our space craft. Now, they are exploring our class solar system! There has been lots of interesting learning taking place:

  • Investigating the components of a spacecraft.
  • Exploring how best to use the materials available to build a spacecraft.
  • Working with others to give constructive feedback and making improvements based on this.
  • Discussing useful innovations to make our spacecraft ‘products of the future’.

See our photos below!

image (1) image (2) image (3) image (4) image (5)

P.5/4 Homework – 7/6/16

Homework for P.5/4 this week is as follows:


The Dream Catchers The Country Pancake – Anne Fine (chapter 6)

The Gangster Grannies The Diary of a Killer Cat – Anne Fine (p.19-31)

The Cookie Readers Mr Majeika – Humphrey Carpenter (p.5-32)

The Ruthless Readers The Squink – Rita Ray (p.17-end)

Choose your favourite character from your book and write down 5 adjectives that you could use to describe them.


Follow instructions from your Maths teacher.


This week, Spelling homework will be given on Tuesday and due for Friday. As usual, follow instructions from your Spelling teacher.

3, 2, 1… lift off!

P.5/4 have been enjoying designing and creating their own space craft over the last week or so. During the parents’ open morning we started our designs based on what we had already found out about space craft and these success criteria:

  • I can include the following features of a space craft in my design:
    • Rockets to provide the thrust needed for launching into space.
    • A fuel tank.
    • Compartments to carry astronauts and their equipment.

Currently, we are creating our space craft out of all kinds of ‘junk’ that would otherwise just be recycled e.g. drinks bottles, cereal boxes, plastic tubs etc.

Watch this space for photos of our completed creations!

P.5/4 Homework – 30/05/16

Homework for P.5/4 this week is as follows:


Please bring in any clean scrap materials to use for building your rocket. These could include: plastic bottles (no glass), egg boxes, cardboard, drinks cans (no sharp food tins) etc.


The Dream Catchers The Country Pancake – Anne Fine (chapter 5)

The Gangster Grannies The Diary of a Killer Cat – Anne Fine (p.1-18)

The Cookie Readers The Haunting of Pip Parker – Anne Fine (p.28-60)

The Ruthless Readers The Squink – Rita Ray (p.1-16))

Everyone should write a quiz about your book so far. It should have at least 5 questions. You will have a chance to test your classmates on Friday.


Follow instructions from your Maths teacher.


This week, Spelling homework will be given on Tuesday and due for Friday. As usual, follow instructions from your Spelling teacher.

P.5/4 Homework – 24/05/16

Homework for P.5/4 this week is as follows:



The Dream Catchers The Country Pancake – Anne Fine (chapter 4)

The Gangster Grannies The Guard Dog – Dick King-Smith (chapter 4)

The Cookie Readers The Haunting of Pip Parker – Anne Fine (p.9-27)

The Ruthless Readers The Boss Dog of Blossom Street – Rita Ray (p.17-31)

Everyone should draw a picture of their favourite scene from the text. You should label your picture with description of anything or anyone in it.



Homework this week will be to practise the 2, 4, 5 and 10 times tables along with the related division facts.


This week, Spelling homework will be given on Tuesday and due for Friday. As usual, follow instructions from your Spelling teacher.

P.5/4 Homework 16/05/16

Homework for P.5/4 this week is as follows:


Following on from learning about the phases of the moon in class, use your moon observation sheet to record how the appearance of the moon changes over the next four weeks. Do not worry if you cannot complete this challenge as I know lots of you will be asleep before you can see the moon!


The Dream Catchers The Country Pancake – Anne Fine (chapter 3)

The Gangster Grannies The Guard Dog – Dick King-Smith (chapter 3)

The Cookie Readers The Ghost Teacher – Tony Bradman (chapter 3)

The Ruthless Readers The Boss Dog of Blossom Street – Rita Ray (p.3-16)


Everyone should choose 5 interesting or unfamiliar words and find out what they mean using a dictionary or dictionary website such as

Write the definitions in your homework jotter.


This week, Maths homework is a Sumdog challenge. Please complete the correct one for your Maths group.


This week, Spelling homework will be given on Tuesday and due for Friday. As usual, follow instructions from your Spelling teacher.