Primary Two have been making arrays in P.E.

I can use addition and multiplication when solving problems, making best use of the mental strategies and written skills I have developed. MNU 1-03

Learning Intention:

We are learning how to make equal groups ‘arrays.’

Success Criteria:

I can use cones to make an array.

I can work as part of a team to show an array.

This week in P.E. we have been applying what we know about arrays. First we had to get into equal groups of 2, then 4 and then 6. After this we had to arrange ourselves into arrays.IMG_0199


Then we used cones in the gym hall to make our own arrays. We were able to talk about how many rows of cones there were and how many cones were in each row. Can you find any arrays at home or in school?



One thought on “Primary Two have been making arrays in P.E.”

  1. Fantastic P2! Applying your maths learning in your PE lesson.

    What is an array and when would you use an array?

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