Road Rangers

The Junior Road Safety Officers have been learning about how to keep safe on the roads.


These are some of their top tips. Could you follow them when you’re next out and about?


– Never cross a road at a corner. (Caitlin N, P6)

– Be careful when the paths and roads are slippy. (Joe S, P1A & Caitlin S, P4 )

– Get off your bike when crossing the road. (Callum W, P7)

– Wear bright clothing and hi viz when riding on your bike. (Ryan C, P5)

– Always look both ways when crossing the road. (Josh M, P5/4)

– Never cross the road when there are two cars parked next to you because you can’t see when cars are coming past. (Charlie S, P6 & Daniel M, P1B)

– Listen, look and learn. (Freiah T & Gemma B, P3)

– Try to cross at a zebra crossing or traffic lights. (Ellis M, P7/6)

– Never run across a road. (Logan U, P7/6)

– Try to cross at a lollipop man. (James L, P5)

– If you’re not sure whether it’s safe to cross, ask an adult. (Jamie R, P7)


‘Be aware, be safe!’ (Logan U, P7/6)


How do you keep safe on the roads? Leave your comments below if you have any ideas!

One thought on “Road Rangers”

  1. These are very important messages to share with the whole school community so that we can all keep ourselves safe.

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