P3 Mid Calder Village Walk

LI: We are learning more about our local community

SC: I can understand the history of Mid Calder

SC: I can identify differences in the local area from then and now

P3 had a lovely, sunny walk to Mid Calder village last week. We have been learning about the history of Mid Calder in class and we were surprised at how much we didn’t know about the history of our local area. The children were excited to take their learning out of the classroom and take a closer look at the buildings we pass every day, but  don’t pay much attention to!

Throughout the walk the children were focused, while using their observation skills to find the answers to questions on their clip board. They transferred learning from maths lessons to the outdoors, using tally marks to gather information on shops in the village and they used mental maths to find out how many years older the Black Bull is than the Torphichen Arms.

The best part of the trip was when we reached the Kirk of Calder on the way back to school and we stopped to sketch the building. The children were fascinated by the detail and produced beautiful pieces of art work. The work completed on this trip will be used to create a frame of our work on Mid Calder village and will be displayed near the school on the Gala Day.

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