P2/1’s ‘Healthy Bodies’ Assembly

It was a very special day on Friday when P2/1 had the opportunity to showcase their learning to parents, carers and peers in our ‘Healthy Bodies’ class assembly.

P2/1 have been learning lots about how to keep their bodies healthy and strong. We have learned about food types and diet, as well as our bodies’ organs and skeleton. We know that exercise is an important way to keep our bodies healthy and strong and we enjoyed sharing our hobbies and the sports we play with others.

All of us had a part to play and lines to learn for our performance to an audience. We all did ourselves, our class and visitors very proud by readily learning our parts and performing them with confidence. We can happily say that we are each building on and showing our capacity to be ‘Effective Contributors’ and ‘Confident Individuals’.

Well done everyone! Thank you to our audience for such positive comments, we hope you all enjoyed it.

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