Pizza Fun

This week Primary 1 visited Pizza Express to make their very own pizzas.

We all travelled together on the coach which was a great experience, and gave us lots to talk about.

When we arrived we washed our hands and put on an apron and a hat.  

Then we started to make a pizza.    

First, we used our hands to squash the dough into a circle shape, and then most of us had a go at flipping it from hand to hand before throwing it up in the air and catching it! This helped to make the pizza base a little bit bigger, and soon it was ready to put in a pan. A large dollop of tomato sauce was added, and by tapping around the edge of the pan it was soon spread all over the base. Next, we added a variety of toppings. Now the pizzas were beginning to look really tasty!

We sat down at the tables and  were offered a choice of orange juice, blackcurrant juice or water.

After cooking for a while in the oven, the finished pizzas were brought out to us, and we were able to enjoy a slice.  We had made a really good job of the pizzas, so it was a delicious snack!

Finally we closed the boxes, and took the pizzas back to school, ready to take home and share with our families.

What a great morning we had!

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