P5a Basketball Masterclass

Yesterday P5a were privileged to have 2 basketball stars in our midst…..Finlay Ferguson and Ruari Harvey shared their talents with P5. The boys were not impressed with my skills the previous week and suggested that they take over a PE lesson and share their knowledge of basketball with the rest of the class. Both Finlay and Ruari train every week with West Lothian Wolves and put together a whole lesson to share with the class. The boys split the class into 2 groups and each took one half of the class. Finlay decided to teach his group layups and how to shoot and Ruari taught dribbling and triple threat, the groups then changed over half way through the lesson to give all children a chance of doing all activities. Both boys were excellent at giving their groups instruction and modelling exactly what they had to do. All of the children in P5a, including Finlay and Ruari, loved their lesson and have learned new skills along the way. Keep your eye out on the blog for future masterclasses as we now have a long list of children wanting to share their expertise……from drama to gymnastics.


I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.


Miss Anderson

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