Transition in Primary 6

Over the last couple of weeks, Primary 6 have been preparing to move into Primary 7 and have also been helping the Primary 5 pupils for their transition into Primary 6. We took part in a transition challenge where we had to produce a presentation all about life in P6. The pupils voted to create their presentation using iMovie so we set about planning and producing short videos explaining these areas:

  • Routines and expectations.
  • Learning in Maths, Language and Health and Wellbeing.
  • IDL contexts.
  • Trips.
  • Responsible Roles.

We showed our videos to the P5s and answered any questions they had about moving up to the upper area.

We also had the chance to see presentations from P7/6 and P7 and ask our own questions. We are feeling prepared and excited for life in P7!

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