Pizza Delivery!

The nursery children have spent the last two weeks creating Pizza World! We have taken orders, written menus, made pizzas at the craft table, made deliveries, we have had cheese and tomato, pepperoni, ham and pineapple and much, much more! Pizza World got a new manager in the afternoon and he had to deal with complaints about noise and occasionally had to get his team to tidy up the shop!!! After all the hard work, creativity, sharing, communicating and lots of smiles, the children got the opportunity to make their own pizzas. With the help of 2 parents they prepared the area, washed their hands, spread the tomato base and added their topping. After 10 minutes in the oven the pizzas looked, tasted and smelled delicious!

Well done boys and girls!

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One thought on “Pizza Delivery!”

  1. The smell of pizza in the nursery this morning made me feel very hungry! What is your favourite topping on your pizza? Some of the boys and girls told me their favourite topping was ham or pepperoni. A big thank you to the parents who helped us make pizzas today.

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